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What the future holds….

What the future holds….

As a small business owner it has been a challenging few years to say the least.  Who knew when we decided to launch our website that we would continue to be enveloped in a global pandemic for what seems like years!

Now we have seen the end to restrictions and life has returned to normal.  Or as normal as it can be.

The pandemic was hard for lots of businesses.  Peoples buying habits changed and this change saw lots of small businesses fold under the economic pressures that followed.  Quintessential Craft has been fortunate to have weathered the storm and managed to come through it although we as a family have certainly felt the pressure.

The current cost of living crisis is also taking its toll on small businesses, ours alike.  People are cutting expenditures and trying to claw back any tiny fraction of a cost of an item all whilst prices soar.  Quintessential Craft has seen our raw material cost more than treble over the last few years with our fuel costs, postal costs, and selling fees continuing to rise on what seems like a daily basis..

So what does the future hold after all this doom and gloom, I hear you say?

I am really pleased to say that I have launched 2 new business branches to QC.

Ambers Events primarily supplies large party items such as backdrops, photo props and party items and QuteCy is a place to find all manners of quirky jewellery starting with earrings but hoping to expand further in the future.

We started both shops on Etsy and have now moved to adding items to the website so please take the time to take a look and see what you think.

Quintessential Craft is still our primary branch with shops on Ebay and Etsy and pages on Facebook and Instagram.  I know I should find the time to update all this more often but you know how life kind of gets in the way sometimes!

Anyway I hope to keep this blog more current rather than having to recap a few years at a time next time!

Please pop over and visit the shop now pages and see if anything catches your fancy… Christmas will soon be upon us!

Amber x